søndag, april 16, 2006

PZ om påsken

PZ Myers bryder sig ikke ret meget om påsken – I hvert fald ikke om dens religiøse baggrund - og som sædvanlig er jeg helt enig. Her er et par citater, jeg godt kunne li’:

“At the heart of Christian belief is a lie: that this man was tortured to death long ago, and that afterwards he came back to life. Oh, and also that he wasn't a man at all, but a god. There is no evidence for these claims that defy all reason and experience, but we're asked merely to believe. To have faith. To trust the words of priests.
I refuse.
If a sacrifice is the centerpiece of our salvation, it makes no sense to call the brief troubling of an omnipotent being with a few nails a "sacrifice." It was a man who died horribly, like many others. He didn't come back.”

“The promise of eternal life is not enough. We must also be browbeaten with threats of unearthly, unending torment if we don't believe the lie.”

Og hvad skal man så gøre ved det:

“Abandon the church. Take the money you were going to throw in the collection plate and donate it to a secular charity. Tell your priest to take a hike. Stay home; have a quiet day with your family. Think. Enjoy this world while you live in it.
Whatever you do, wake up. Deny the lie.”

lørdag, april 15, 2006

Debat: The root of all evil?

Rasmus (Ursuppen) har nogle meget fornuftige kommentarer til DR2 debatten mellem Jakob Wolf og Benny Lautrup i anledning af visningen af Richard Dawkin's tv-udsendelser The root of all evil - og jeg har nogle kommentarer til hans kommentarer.

Og så er der flere kommentarer, denne gang til debatten mellem Katrine Winkel Holm og Mikael Rothstein.

Dan Jones anmelder i øvrigt Dawkins' to udsendelser The God Delusion og The Virus Of Faith på sin glimrende blog The proper study of mankind